The Philadelphian Society, Inc.
at the Univerisity of Wisconsin - PLATTEVILLE
80 S. Elm Street Platteville WI 53818-3106

Missing contacts:
Bad emails: This is a list of emails once used to communicate with alumni - -do you recognize anyone here? do you have updated contact information? (in no particular order)
David Eversoll
CW Wentzel
Mark Johnson
D Hammond
LJ Smith
Brian Ellig
Paul Jelle
Cliff Klenke
Steven Gregory
Scott Gruenenfelder
Haley M Hurst
Below is the most recent alumni contact information. If your info is incorrect, let us know! If you see one that is incorrect or if you know of anyone that is missing, let us know: click here
Why so few active alumni??? Contact us with suggestions on how to increase participation or tell us why you're not active.
Baumgartner, Scott - scott <at> honeyjug.com
Belanger, Rick - rickbelanger <at> live.com
Bickle, David - david.b.bickle <at> gmail.com
Cerqua, Jon - joncerqua <at> yahoo.com
Duwe, Todd - todd.duwe <at> gmail.com
Felthous, Anthony - krushgroove1 <at> hotmail.com
Giesen, Jason - giesen_blatz <at> yahoo.com
Hallisy, Mark - dlippy1 <at> gmail.com
Heller, Jeff - hellerj1 <at> comcast.net
Hinz, Kyle - kylehinz <at> ameritech.net
Huebner, Nathan - huebnernathan <at> yahoo.com
Kelly, Dylan - dkellywyo <at> yahoo.com
Lightner, Bob - robertlightner <at> yahoo.com
Manuel, Pat - mjean153 <at> aol.com
Murray, Aaron - aaronmurray27 <at> gmail.com
Pflieger, Hans - hpflieger <at> yahoo.com
Randow, Tracy (Eggers) - tracy.randow <at> yahoo.com
Rank, Jeff - Jeff.l.rank <at> gmail
Rice, Eric - ericcrice <at> gmail.com
Rod, Paul - p.rad.94.pr <at> gmail.com
Ryan, Mike - mjr <at> csinc-wi.com (pending)
Schumacher, Aaron - aaron.w.schumacher <at> gmail.com
Steinhauer, Tim - timsteinhauer78 <at> gmail.com
Stone, Jeni - jenijs <at> yahoo.com
Voss, Eric - ericv3742 <at> gmail.com
Wojciehowski,Mitchell - mitwojo <at> gmail.com
Yancy, Jason - yancy <at> wi.rr.com
Zeches, Bob - robert <at> zeches.net
Michael, Ryan - mjr <at> csinc-wi.com
Koren, Tom - tom<at> rustydogcoffee.com
Rod, Ryan - r.joseph.rod<at> gmail.com