The Philadelphian Society, Inc.
at the Univerisity of Wisconsin - PLATTEVILLE
80 S. Elm Street Platteville WI 53818-3106

Recent History
Dec. 2022 - visit the Actives page for their latest newsletter;
it is a must-read!
The Phi Sigma actives hosted an Alumni social on Homecoming, Oct. 15th 2022,
at the Phi Sigma house. All Alumni and actives were invited.
The actives board for Spring Semster 2023:
President: Aiden Radunzel
Vice President: Jarid Stott
Secretary: Jameson Morgan
Treasurer: Mavrick Horacek
Business Manager: Aidan Holcomb
Sergeant-at-Arms: Colton Berg
House Manager: Sam Fraaza
additional contact information is available by request.
Hello Phi Sigma Brothers and Sisters,
It was great catching up with everyone at Homecoming and spending time with the great group of Actives we have on campus. Phi Sigma has been growing on campus and in the Platteville community. That means as an Alumni it is our duty to guide the Actives and pass down our history. With that said we are holding Elections for two Phi Sigma Alumni Officer positions and need your vote. Voting will be done through an online ballot with a few questions leading up to the main portion of the ballot where you will choose the next Treasurer and Secretary. The ballot will be open until November 12th and following that an announcement of who won.
If you are an active Alumni member please cast your vote now. If you still need to pay your dues to be active you can do so through PayPal. To pay dues on PayPal click on the Send & Request at the top of the PayPal home page. Then enter a $50 payment to the following email payments@phisigma.org. If you have any questions contact Paul Rod (815-677-4634) or follow the how to instructions from PayPal Help page go to this link https://www.paypal.com/us/smarthelp/article/how-do-i-send-money-faq1684.
Link to online ballot: https://forms.gle/CWXX7dxZkpFwRmkw9
It was announced at Homecoming that Jason Gieson and Mark Hallisy will not be running for reelection. I am not sure what we will do without them and I would like to thank them for everything they have done for Phi Sigma. So the next time you see them be sure to give them a toast and give them a big thank you.
Hail the Ever growing throng
Phi Sigma true and loyal
Brothers as we March along
Toward that good so bright press onward
Though we face adversity wherever we may roam
There's always fair weather boys
When the Phi Sig boys come home
Palmam qui Meruit Ferat,
Paul Rod
Delta Alpha Fall 2015
Alumni President
Following discussions and debates about a new round of improvements for the property, a summary of pressing needs has been generated. All Alumni that are participating in the housing development or have expressed an interest in the details and are willing to contribute to the improvements should have received a message from Mr. Eric Rice on behalf of the PSA Properties Alumni Board. Contact Eric via the email link provided should you desire to be kept in the loop.
July 2021: Summer Socials and a "Retirement" of our Favorite "ROCKSTAR"/Daughter:
"I'm announcing that I will be stepping down as PSA House Manager and also from the PSA Board effective Homecoming 2021. Due to personal issues/concerns, I am unable to devote the time, attention, detail and organization that is needed in this position.
It has been my privilege and honor to hold this position, actively work at the house, and lead many projects, work days/weekends, service calls, etc... these past 2 years. To work as a team with the PSA Board, the Alumni Board, the Phi Sig Alumni and getting to know/working with the current Actives has been a real pleasure. I will still help when I can with future projects and fund-raising events but it will be as a worker/contributor versus the leader.
Thank you to everyone for all of your ideas, your physical labor, your monetary/supplies support, and your team-work with work on the Phi Sig House and for supporting me in my position as PSA House Manager. There are a lot of good memories and a lot of progress on the house that has been made by all of us.
However, there is still much to do with the Phi Sig House and we need to fill the position of PSA House Manager to be the new leader of projects, to be a PSA Board Member and to be a liaison with the Active Phi Sig members and tenants. The PSA Board will send out an announcement soon on the process to apply for the position.
Thank you,
Jeni Stone
PSA House Manager
Phi Sig Phillie - Alpha Sigma '89
Updates from the PSA House Manager - even with our virtual Homecoming Alumni & PSA meetings this Saturday, 10/10 starting at 1pm, I'm still posting some of my House Manager updates for your review. Thank you! Jeni
1) Due to Covid, the Fall Work Weekend has been cancelled. We'll have to wait and see about a Spring Work Weekend.
2) 3rd Floor Kitchenette Project: Thank you to Actives: Greg, Matt, Hunter and Phillie: Samantha for being on the committee to discuss, research, and push forward the 3rd Floor Kitchenette project. This will be a long-term project in terms of adding cabinets and other amenities in the future. However, due to the Covid safety plan for the house of having the 3rd floor be the quarantine floor, we really pushed to get the project completed - which we did! We are looking for donations to help cover the costs of adding 3 new Electrical outlets (which have their own dedicated/safe lines for $430.00) and the plumbing costs for the sink ($204.10). Bickle, Zeches, and Trixie have each pledged $100.00 (thank you so much!), and we are asking for additional donations to help cover the electric/plumbing costs. If you are able to donate, you can go to the link on the website and donate to the house and clearly indicate the money is for the kitchenette project or mail a check directly to Treasurer, Jason Giesen.
Additional Thanks and Recognition to: Hunter did an amazing job with drawing up multiple kitchenette designs including cost comparisons. I purchased and donated a sink. Matt purchased and donated a dorm fridge, which is the perfect size for location and needs. The Actives raised money to cover the costs of building their own countertop. Mark Kern installed the new overhead light last summer, and Active Sam painted the hallway. For safety, a smoke detector has been installed and there is a fire extinguisher. I've attached 2 pics, please forgive the mess.
3) The Actives did a great job of putting up composites throughout the main floor, the stairwell and the 2nd floor hallway....it looks terrific and is great to see the history of the organization on the walls. I've attached a copy of the Actives 2019-2020 composite and a video of the composites in the stairwell from 1st to 3rd.

Previous Events:
Work Weekend Friday, 5/29-Sunday, 5/31 was a success - -GET INVOLVED!!
Note on Work Weekend from Jeni Stone, PSA House Manager
Alpha Sigma Class, Fall 1989 psahousemanager1@yahoo.com
"Hi everyone. We had a very successful May 2020 Work Weekend with projects around the Phi Sig House. Thank you to the Actives and Alumni who came and worked and thank you to those who couldn't come but sent well-wishes/support. Alumni Attendees: Derek Carpenter, Jason Giesen, Jeni Stone and Eric Voss. Active Attendees: Matt (Assistant Active House Manager), Hunter, Logan, Jackson, Sam, and Maverick. Active Little Phillie attendees: Sam and Jasmine along with their friend Annabelle.
Major Kudos to both Derek Carpenter & Jason Giesen. To Jason and his wife for donating a gently used washer and dryer to the house - much needed additions!! And to Jason for his help with multiple projects around the house. To Derek for all of his work on the roof (leak above room 6, some repair work on/around chimney, helping with leaks around vent tube from 3rd floor bathroom), bracing the front porch roof, reviewing room 4 in regards to an actives request to add a ceiling fan/overhead light, helping with buying additional paint, and guidance on additional electrical wiring in basement. Also Major Kudos to Eric Voss for replacing the kitchen faucet, repairing multiple doors (indoor garage, outdoor garage, house front) so they open/close easier, teaching the actives the trick to keeping the registers open during winter to help with heat distribution, etc... He and Jason also did a great job checking the condition of the windows, storm windows and screens around the house (including the spares/leftovers in the basement storage area) and creating a plan for future work on those items.
Major Kudos to Hunter and Matt for taking the lead on multiple projects including 2 major priority projects. Hunter painted and finished work on the kitchen bathroom including new fixtures. This bathroom was voted to be the Women's bathroom from now on. :) Matt and team (Sam M, Logan, Jasmine, Sam, Jackson, Hunter and Annabelle) applied 2 coats of primer and 1 coat of paint to cover the blue walls running from the first floor hallway up to 3rd floor. We still need to finish trim and ceilings, but it looks amazing!!
Various additional projects were completed around the house and worked on by multiple people. Once again, thank you so much for all of your ideas, hard-work, tenacity in completing projects, and your pro-active/positive attitudes. We accomplished a lot, and it was my pleasure and privilege to work with you. I'm looking at having a work-Saturday later this summer too. More details to come."

What is new in 2020?
- Free web hosting, now that we are certified as a non-profit
- Ducts have been cleaned
- Electrical updated
- Property Taxes paid
- Additional subletters in before Actives take over summer 2020
- Two fund raisers completed at Badger football games this fall
- Jeni Stone is a rockstar Alumni House manager
- Retirement of Jason Geisen pending....
Looking for landscaping input:

Title: State of Wisconsin Incorporation name change filing
Date: 1969-05-26
Format: Black and white paper / 8.5 inches by 11 inches
Is Part Of: Corporate filings log State of Wisconsin - Madison Office